Thursday 7 March 2013

Dorie Millerson

Dorie Millerson
  • Toronto based
  • uses lace to suggest human experience
  • concerned with themes of memory and attachment

I like that Millerson suspends her work, the lace and its shadows almost seem to get confused and she puts an incredible amount of detail into her structures. My favourite piece of hers is Bridge, it looks heavy like a bridge should but because its made of lace it looks almost floppy too! 

streetcar, 2010 -- needle lace, cotton, acetate -- 1" x 0.75" x 5". The streetcar is an iconic symbol of Toronto,  where the artist is based. The lacework echoes the cables of a streetcar. 


bridge - close detail, 2006 -- needle lace, cotton -- 15.5" x 2" x 1". A 3d structure suspended between wall, ceiling and floor. Recreates a rigid heavyweight structure with delicate lacework. 

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