Friday 17 January 2014

Beili Liu

Artist Beili Liu Embroiders Underneath Hundreds of Suspended Scissors textiles scissors performance art embroidery

Artist Beili Liu Embroiders Underneath Hundreds of Suspended Scissors textiles scissors performance art embroidery

Artist Beili Liu Embroiders Underneath Hundreds of Suspended Scissors textiles scissors performance art embroidery

The installation consists of hundreds of Chinese scissors suspended from the ceiling, pointing downwards. The hovering, massive cloud of scissors alludes to distant fear, looming violence and worrisome uncertainty. The performer sits beneath the countless sharp blades of the scissors, and performs an on-going simple task of mending. [...] As each visitor enters the space, one is asked to cut off a piece of the white cloth hung near the entrance, and offer the cut section to the performer. She then continuously sews the cut pieces onto the previous ones. The mended fabric grows in size throughout the duration of the performance, and takes over the vast area of the floor beneath the scissors.

beili liu miasma

beili liu miasma
Installations I Miasma, Wool, thread, acrylic medium, dimensions variable, (each column 4'-9' tall)
-wool and thread
-acrylic medium pulls and stretches the wool

Beili Liu Lure/Wave
Installations I Lure/惑 Series (2008-2012), Site-Responsive IInstallations, Thread, sewing needle, dimensions variable, (each coil 2-5" in diameter)

Beili Liu Lure/Wave

The ancient Chinese legend of the red thread tells that when children are born, invisible red threads connect them to the ones whom they are fated to be with. Over the years of their lives they come closer and eventually find each other, overcoming the distance between, and cultural and social divides.

The installations make use of thousands of hand spiraled coils of red thread suspended from the ceiling. A disk may be connected to another, as a pair, and a pair of disks is made from a single thread. Every coil is pierced in the center by a sewing needle, which then threaded and enables the suspension of the disks. Subtle air currents set the red disks swaying and turning slowly as the loose strands of thread on the floor drift and become entangled.

 Beili Liu Lure/Forest

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