Monday, 8 October 2012

Ambient Sound Recordings.

Violinist, William St, 8/10/12, music, walking

O' Connell St, 8/10/12, cars passing

Pedestrian Crossing, O'Connell St., 8/10/12, music, beeping of pedestrian lights, talking,

Arthur's Quay Shopping Centre, coffee shop, 8/10/12, cutlery rattling, dishes

Arthur's Quay, 8/10/12 cars passing.

Arthur's Quay, 8/10/12, cars passing, speaking

The Orchard, 8/10/12, speaking, jackhammer

8/10/12, me in the kitchen, cupboards opening and closing, cutlery, walking, Grove

                                                 8/10/12 Mc Donalds, talking

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