Friday 28 September 2012

Shadow Wire

After looking at shadow art and working with wire, as shown in my last 2 blog posts I wanted to have a go myself, not sure yet what that has to do with sound...

28/09/12, grove, 18:57

Thursday 27 September 2012

Working Wire Caricatures and Picasso Impressions

One of the girls in studio 18 was using wire so I picked a bit up and started playing with it, after a few attempts it eventually formed into little wire caricatures and I would like to use them in creating the visual/sound narration I discussed with my tutor.  

I call this piece my picasso face, see the natural resemblance.

Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas

Aeron Bergman & Alejandra Salinas

Spanish born Salinas and American Bergman form an accomplished sound art duo, specialising in the manipulation of found sound. Based in Oslo, their work comprises of sound art, installations, web projects and video art. They have exhibited in museums, galleries and art ceneters around the world.

In 2002 they won an Award of Distinction in digital music for the audio installation 'Revisionland'.

The Detroit Rebellion projected through feng shui objects

This installation piece by Bergman and Salinas explores the concept of how ideas survive through time, particularly how the lifespan of an object is determined by how they are passed through generations to become tradition.

Beyond this, the piece interacts with the viewers understanding of space, which obviously realtes to the project "Sense my space". The reason I chose to look at this installation in relation to my work is due to its portrayal of light as the artists ask the question "Where does light come from?". This questioning of light appeals to me because of the close link between light and vision, sound and hearing.


The art piece consists of of a very minamalist composition of feng shui objects set up in such a way to allow a large and looming shadow of the bonsai tree to be projected onto the corner wall behind the objects. This wall itself also shows a moving image of the streets of Detroit projected onto it.

The image of the bonsai tree projected onto the wall led me to consider the idea of using projected images in conjunction with sound for my own project. Beyond this i've also considered shadow puppets as a more playful way to convey an image or narration of my sound recordings.


Here you can watch the interview given by Bergman and Salinas on their Feng shui installation.

Another art form to look at in relation to Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas is their noise music, which is then heavily incorporated into their sound art.

An interesting piece to look atwithin this sphere is  their album Be Mine, which features a sound board which allows you to overlap clashing sounds as you desire creating an interesting array of sounds and the ability to see for yourself which sounds can stand out more then others. This particular piece features conversation, interview pieces, found sound, trumpets, crickets and music creating a surprisingly harmonious piece of sound art. The piece itself is based on the idea of love.

scotch monsters

scotch monsters
 Scotch Monsters by Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas

Scotch Gardens consisted basically of an ornamental style garden combined with live Scottish folk music and the sounds of Scottich monsters, some of which were the Dunters and the Red Caps.

On their website they provide pictures combined with the soundboard of noise music played at the exhibition, and even give an account of the legends of these monsters.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Shadow Art


I really enjoyed looking at shadow artists so I thought I'd fling a few more up before my CCS lecture.

Larry Kagan
A sculptor who works with steel, wire, light and shadow to create his intriguing art pieces.

Fred Eerdekens:
Similar to Kagan in the sense of the play with shadows this artist allows his work to engage with the whole 3 dimensional perceptions of the viewer.

Ellis Gallagher 
Gallagher gives a whole new meaning to the idea of shadow art, rather than actually creating shadows the artist attempts to preserve them beyond their natural lifespan by tracing an object's shadow at night and allowing an unnatural shadow to prevail.


Tuesday 25 September 2012

Sound and Visual

25/09/12, studio 12

Had a tutorial with Paul Gardiner and he suggested I look more into the idea of visual contrasting sound.
He suggested looking at a couple of these movies and animations.

  Basically the idea is to look at contrasting visual and sound. Personally I want to go into a pub and record the conversation there, then placing that sound against the visual of maybe children playing, it's a very simple take on innocence vs the eh not so innocent.

Another reference Paul gave me to look at was Ice T's documentary on rap;

2012 official trailer for Ice T's documentary The Art Of Rap.

Another idea Paul threw at me was to do storyboard narrations of the conversations I've recorded, I like this idea but animation isn't really my forté so I'll have to put some thought into how I want that to play out.

.Just a brainstorm to recenter myself after my tutorial 

I had this image of Aeron Bergman & Alejandra Salinas work for 'Feng Shui Objects' (I will eventually put up a post about them)

It reminded me of the idea of projections and shadow puppets, I'd love to do a little piece of the recordings to go along with a shadow puppet play.

Baku - Japanese Shadow Puppet film.


And now for a look at some artists who've worked with shadow

Kumi Yamashita: 

Yamashita is a Japanese- born artist living and working in New York. He uses object placement to create illusions that engage with light and shade.


H366, W366, D1cm
Creased Japanese paper, single light source, shadow
Commissioned by American Express, New York City USA


H180, W230, D5cm
Wood, single light source, shadow
Microsoft Art Collection, Washington USA

Tim Noble and Sue Webster
Take everyday rubbish and construct them so their shadows cast a legible image obvious to the naked eye.


The Gamekeeper's Gibbet
Solid sterling silver gilded in pure gold, metal stand, light projector
71 x 42 x 160 cm (28 x 161/5 x 63 in)



Welded scrap metal, light projector
51.5 x 53 x 19.6 cm (201/4 x 21 x 73/4 in)

Monday 24 September 2012

My Studio Space and The Influence of Reggae

11:17am, Studio 12, 24/09/12

Another look at my personal spaces.

My Space in Studio 12
My Wall

 So basically the day of the reggae concert I listened to reggae for the first time in the courtyard and then stayed late in the studio, the music was coming in through the windows so I used that and my memories from earlier that day along with a few short recordings of conversations from the courtyard to allow me to reshape the scene on paper from memory. It's interesting to look back and see the things I know were there but can't visualize well enough in my head to execute. Look at the people in the background, I know they were there and how they sat but not their features or clothes,  and allowances have to be made for time, how much of what I drew was all from one moment or a series of snippets from all different times collected into one.

A chalk drawing done while in the studio listening to the reggae music, in this case I allowed for less realism and for greater freedom when using the chalk, I just used basic strokes and curves allowing the music and sounds to influence the marks I made and the use of black vs white.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Memory and Sound

Studio 12, 23/9/12, 2:30pm

This is a drawing I did while listening to a recording I did of conversations, memory and imagination interlock with sound to overlap images based in reality and illusion. The yellow lines represent roads of which there had been a drawing hanging in the studio at the time. 

Studio 12, 2:40 pm, 23/09/12

Another drawing based upon the same concept however this is different because the conversation I was listening to while I drew was based upon an event I wasn't present for therefore my final drawing was based mostly on a combination of sound and memory.
"Drawings based on sound visualisation of S/M videos, about layers of reality, about people pleasure in pain, and atheistic views on life based on that observation".

Drawings based on sound visualisation of S/M videos, about layers of reality, about people pleasure in pain, and atheistic views on life based on that observation.

Beautiful combinations of sound, drawing and print by Daniel Michael Clarke: