Sunday 23 September 2012

Memory and Sound

Studio 12, 23/9/12, 2:30pm

This is a drawing I did while listening to a recording I did of conversations, memory and imagination interlock with sound to overlap images based in reality and illusion. The yellow lines represent roads of which there had been a drawing hanging in the studio at the time. 

Studio 12, 2:40 pm, 23/09/12

Another drawing based upon the same concept however this is different because the conversation I was listening to while I drew was based upon an event I wasn't present for therefore my final drawing was based mostly on a combination of sound and memory.
"Drawings based on sound visualisation of S/M videos, about layers of reality, about people pleasure in pain, and atheistic views on life based on that observation".

Drawings based on sound visualisation of S/M videos, about layers of reality, about people pleasure in pain, and atheistic views on life based on that observation.

Beautiful combinations of sound, drawing and print by Daniel Michael Clarke:

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