Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Luigi Russolo

My Project Title: "Spaces within Conversation" - Sound Art

Luigi Russolo: The Father of Noise Music

Sound Art began with Luigi Russolo, an Italian futurist painter and composer, considered one of the first 'noise music' composer. He wrote the manifesto "The Art of Noises", now well known and accepted by many artists and musicians.

He gave performances termed 'noise concerts', particularly in Paris but when he incorporated the noise intoners 'intonarumari' which he had designed and created himself he faced great opposition and even violence. None of these machines survived the Gran Concerto Futuristico (1917) but this had been expected by Russolo.

A photograph of Luigi Russolo with his noise intoners.

Though his work bears little resemblance to noise music today, Russolo's work is viwed as a major stepping stone in the evolution of this new art genre.

Though Russolo was better known as a composer he was also an accomplished futurist painter. With the futurists he worked with movement, attempting to capture on canvas the essence of both the dynamic and the simultaneous.

The Uprising - Luigi Russolo

Dynamic Automobile - Luigi Russolo

I chose to include the paintings of Russolo because despite the fact that he is attempting to capture movement I think the sharp angles, vibrant colours and sense of force embody sound too, which is naturally a component of movement.

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