Friday 21 September 2012

Listening to Noise and Silence

13:23 pm, studio 12, 21/9/12

I've been looking quite a bit at sound art after reading "Listening to Noise and Silence - Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art" by Salomé Voegelin.

Here's a couple of my favourite quotes from the book that I think help explain sound art. Credit to the author of course.

"Sound fleshes out the visual and renders it real, it gives the image its spatial dimension and temporal dynamic"

"By contrast (to seeing) hearing is full of doubt: phenomenological doubt of the listener about the heard and himself hearing it".

"However far its source, the sound sits in my ear"

"I cannot hear it if I am not immersed in its auditory object, which is not its source but sound as sound itself".

Beyond this the book explains the need for active participation in listening.

"Listening is not a receptive mode but a method of exploration, a mode of walking through the soundscape"

"sound narrates, outlines, fills but it is always ephemeral and doubtful"

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